Friday, July 9, 2010

to Hasrul Nizam, Ruler of RepublikN9

lacking imaginativeness is truly an impediment  to any writer.  Hate this kinda obstructions, make me wanna throw aside my PC n notebook.  AND hate the damn bloody stimulus that stimulate the whole phenomenon which brush aside the best element in the head faculty - the so called intuition.  Being trapped  in this sorta occlusion made me realized how foolish I was.  God I was almost at my peak and I destroy it over a worthless sent.....?

Sorry Hasrul, I kedana idea so I copy the simple sajak from my FB and paste it here. Daa janji ngan you kan? enjoy it laa..

sebuah catatan

~season adjoins another
as times arrive and banish from sight
leaving tearfilled eyes, broken heart

can't help but wonder

those who left behind ~

that fate left alive
fagged without soul ~

clambering with adversity
wud they survive..?

~But grief evanesce tardily

so what will I do without you...

with tomorrow.. in distant world

and promises that were led astray

just how could you..?


ong ong kedek kedek said...

salam ziarah kak...
adoi malu la plak ade name saye kat tajuk entry akak... anyway thanks a lot dan sy hargai sangat2... hmm saye bagi laa tazkirah khas utk akak dari blog saye

Pada suatu hari, Ibnu Abbas r.a. tidur di rumah ibu saudaranya iaitu Maimunah, kemudian Nabi Muhammad SAW datang dan melihat Ibnu Abbas sedang tidur, padahal ia tidak tidur sebenarnya. Kemudian Baginda berkata kepada Maimunah:"Sudah tidur budak itu."

Maimunah menjawab:"Ya, sudah."

Katanya (Ibnu Abbas):"Lalu Rasulullah SAW berzikir, bertahlil dan bertakbir kepada Allah SWT. Selepas itu Baginda pun tidur hingga aku dapat mendengar dengkur Baginda."

Perhatikan anak yang bijak ini, berumur 10 tahun atau kurang tetapi dengkur nafas Baginda pun diingatinya.

Katanya (Ibnu Abbas)lagi:"Kemudian Rasulullah SAW terjaga sekalipun matanya tertutup, Baginda pun membacakan ayat:


Selepas itu Baginda bangkit dan menunaikan hajatnya, maka tahulah Ibnu Abbas r.a. bahawa apabila seorang lelaki membuang hajat ia memerlukan air. Ini adalah sebahagian ajaran Islam. Kemudian ia memberikan air kepada Rasulullah dan kemudian tidur semula.

Kemudian Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada diri sendiri: Siapakah yang meletakkan air ini untukku? Tetapi Baginda segera faham (Ibnu Abbas punye keje :) ), lalu Baginda pun berdoa untuknya sebagaimana diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari:

"Ya Allah berilah kepadanya (Ibnu Abbas) pemahaman dalam agama, dan ajarlah ia dengan (ilmu) takwil."

Inilah malam kelahiran (kedua) dalam hidup Ibnu Abbas. Pada malam itu beliau lahir untuk kedua kalinya kerana manusia lahir dua kali:

1) Lahir jasmani = Ketika seseorang keluar dari perut ibunya.

2) Lahir rohani = Pada hari ia dilahirkan dalam Islam. Dan apabila masa berlalu dan Ibnu Abbas membesar dan menjadi masyhur kerana ia menjadi tokoh ilmuan Islam dan pentafsir al Quran yang luar biasa berkat doa Rasulullah kepada Ibnu Abbas.

Same2 lah kite mengambil pengajaran :)

Haiza Najwa said...

aisyyy....alunyer akuu..berguru nger orang mude. Tp takper[4X], krn dia ttp Raja dlm kerajaan republiknyer he heh.

Bezzlaa Hasrul. Dijemput tlis aper sj yg bezz2 nx tyme di my wall. Coz in a way, I do fond of your words. Now. I am going to visit your dominion, allow me sir!

ong ong kedek kedek said...

ha3... same2 laa kongsi ilmu :)

Arm said...

I'm still waiting for your reply to my email. I gave you my contact number and you're familiar too with the firm that I'm engaged to. So what's the problem with you Haiza? It won't be just you and me there're few other officers would be among us. Two lady executives. It's just a dinner, I'll escort you back too if you that's your wish. No problem with that. Sorry have to do this since you ignored my emails.

Arm said...

I elevated your books, promoted them to the highest grade and now you are a fascination to them . Furthermore it will be just a simple dinner. I'm half Malay what are you afraid of anyway. Reply please asap

Haiza Najwa. said...

trglakk I Armand. First thing U told me where u worked, I went skodeng with my fren. Hey..ur profile's in my memory data now. Bley tahan you aye. Urmm..killer look. Prasan?
U think wat? Me turn into psychedelic when near you? Tolonglaa plez! Neway I'll be there,can't turn down my readers invitation. With my three frens. Mayb you may get to like them. Just 4 an hour not more than that. I got other things to attend to. Email? Aq mang tak brani bukak email. Loads of them, psychosis I nnt. I'll open my phone line frm 11.00 to 1.00 for you. Just ring me. No email plez. Jgn hrp I bukak

Sitie BUm BUm said...

erm..need to polish my vocabulary first la plak. huhu!! =p

haiza najwa said...

camner nak pronounce name niih..berputar cerebrum gue[fenin lalat]