Me..a real flabbergasted momma ..
There's this lad. One of many, I picked him coz he's the smartest looking compared to the rest. And he's from across the sea. Well.. sure can interpret what I mean,. This one keeps on messaging me. And the despicable part is that the act is done throu my FB inbox. He really adds the amounting figure and heaven knows how I hate opening the inbox, alwez feel threatened by the amount which keeps on amounting no matter how frequent you delete'em. A real menacing fact to face everyday. And to this lad, I told him to call a halt to his pursuing. And this lad's favourite remark that's really annoying is,
Mba kuingin mengenalimu lebih dalam, hatiku tersentuh sekali dengan mba yg begitu enak kupandang. Enak?
What am I to him? What kind of expression is that? Do I look like Nasi Lemak Sambal Sotong Kering to him? That is torturous enough. Real excruciating..damn! Especially when it's a citation from someone as childlike as him. He's scantily over 24! Why youngsters from that region loves blathering weird remarks like that and at the same time revealing the naive trait in their personality. Perhaps not all, but still it ain't modest to keep on approaching someone older with remark like that. Ain't that so?
So tak tahan, I fikir biar I settle this once and for all.
"'re fit to be my son, quit what you are doing now. Tak manis dan mba rasa tak selesa. Quit sending me love poems too for it's really bothering dan tak manis utk kanak-kanak seusiamu."
"Sy justeru bukan kanak-kanak spt yg mba katakan."
"Awak muda sangat nak, nk bercinta ke haper niih? Eii..solatlah selalu dear."
"Sy mang tak pernah tinggal solat. Tapi sy ske gaya mba gitu. Sangat personaliti." Aiikk..bahasa pertuturan amende tuuh..dalam hatiku saja.
"Sy lihat byk skali novel mba. Mba sgt hebat di mata saye."
"Sy sudah terangkan yg sy bukan mude lagi nak. Dan ramai lagi penulis dg novel lebih banyak daripada beta. And I'm much older than you sonny!"
Two day after that.
"Yeah..itu yg sering saya fikirkan. kerana angka spt tak menyentuh mba."
"Maksud sy, mba punya aura yg begitu hebat skali, di usia ini mba masih kelihatan sangat muda."
Aku terkedu. Rasa sayu terharu pun ada. Tapi ikhlas ke. he heh
"Awak suke sy macam mana dik?"
One hour after that.
"Sy sgt menyanjung mba. Sgt minat mba. Mba sangat hebat di mata sy."
"Yeah..perlu ke mba terima kasih. Takpe laa terima kasih nak. Tp slpas ni panggillah bunda ya?"
Di situ bicara kami berakhir.
Disagreed kot!
In a way, it's kinda assuaging. But at times, I feel like.. such an ungrateful dullard plus lotsa idiot. Pity that innocent boy.
Then recently, I received another message from him. With another love poem attached to it. For the first time I really sifted tru his poem and grow to love every verses. God he's such a poet laureate! It was a beautiful poem and how I wish I can turn myself to be a sweet seventeen so that I could respond freely to such lovely rhymes. Respond to him too ;)
Below, there's a note. I felt a quiver running thru my spine reading it.
"Mba, kite terpisah lautan yg bukan kecil utk ku renangi. Salahkah jika sy brperasaan spt itu pd mba krn bukannya sy akan sbrangi ke sana buat menganggu atau mndekati hidup mba. Bisakan bercinta begini. tiada yg rugi dan tiada satu apa yg bisa trjejas. ianya indah mba, perasaan itu mang indah jika saja mba mau menelusurnya."
I didn't reply. But I wish I cud paste the poem in my FB for it's a divine beauty but via other's FB that poem cud easily catch his eyes regardless of the fact that I have already removed him from my list.
Dan satu message kuterima dpd dia baru2 ini dan katanya..dan ini I rasa harus I sampaikan pada seluruh wanita di Malaysia.
"Hairan ya mba, sy lihat banyak wanita Malaysia lambat tua.Masih kelihatan muda dilanjut usia mereka." Satu penghargaan niih.
Yg ini sy replied.
"Sude begitu lanjutkah usia mba padmu dik?"
Mesej balasnya. At night on the same date.
"Owh tak mba. Jangan salah faham. Itu sy tujukan pd wanita2 di Malaysia. Bukan mba. Mba lain. Sgt istimewa di hati sy."
Sekarang sy termangu.
Oh yeahh..? Kalau bukan wanita Malaysia..saya ni wanita apa? See? A slight error in your remark already interpreted a funny picture. So teoriku, dia ni mesti hanya belajar dipesantren.
So I did some search..Giler2 aku cari nama dia.. Look what I found!
Goodness, he's a grad fr. Universitas Gajah Mada..Dumbstricken that was my condition.
Tp tak taulaa kot dia sj2 tlis. Byk org buat gitu erkk?