Sunday, April 4, 2010

Again for wannabes, little more tips to get started

If U bump into a person who bought ur piece, then wat's d very 1st remark U'll hear?  Aha..stereotypically, the person'd enunciate, 'Hey..I wanna b a writer 2.  But how ah..?"
Then stereotypically, U too'd be vocalizing  dis very   same conventional answer.
"U jest write lorr..then after  completing 3 or 400 pages U jest send laa  to any publisher U wish, if good, dey'll sure respond 2 U."  Then come this prompt reply from the same respondent, , "Eiiya..I tak reti menulis!"

What the h.. 
We practice and  do that every now and then man!
How'bout assignments? Letters?  Or note[berjela]  to your supreme asking for a day or two off?  Then these nauseating love-letters that can turn one's stomach?  Or composing essays or compositions  for your offsprings when actually the tasks were  supposed to be their intense jobs?  Any editorial intentionally created for intended respondent  is called writing.  Only the material that U write counts!Well..?
Now writing a novel..
Believe me, it's a usual thing.  The beza is nak ker tak nak.  As for me, one or two karya a year or perhaps one really, is the  amplest.
Now a to write them?
First check the interest and taste of reader's category  you wish to focalize.  Focus on one, contoh novel remaja.  Of course commingle with'em'd be the damn best solution.
The first move, pick a subject.
Nak buat citer apa..cinta? misteri? War aftermath?
What U need is appeal to the classification of reader you defined.  For writing actually is communicating.  You transmit your ideas, thoughts and views and the readers receive.  Even thou the respondent considered passive.  But there'd be multiple reactions and provide time-lag, reaksi itu akan anda terima kemudian.  And sure it worth all the enormous  time that U've sacrificed!
Trouble getting started?  Tu biasa..
As for me I love commencing  from the middle of the storyline..then keep flashing back to get to the subject.  Somehow for the beginners, arranging the plot chronologically is more advisable to avoid complication of writer's block.
Jumpa lg..tapi ingat, penstrukturan..yg mana merangkumi tema, perwatakan, latar, teknik penyampaian atau writer's style..semua kena cukup

Now I'm sambungin..wanna make new entry but..afraid whole idea jd  topsy turvy n catastrophic so here it goes..

Kesalahan nahu.
B4 submitting your master piece - ha ha- edit ur writing khas 2 check on grammatical inconsistencies, kira nahu errorlaa 2.
Some authors ske sgt main anta whilst the correction..?  leave it 2 the editor,
 "Hey..they are paid 4 the job so why kisah.  Important thg  my idea gonna make money 4 d company, I'm a star."  fuuh gila laaH!

As U know the editor alwyz  being stuffed with few manuscripts, bukan you sorang punyer jerr..  Sometimes more than that.  What d'U expect?  The company kne kejar dateline apatah lg com. yg mmg menerbitkan specific number of books 4 specific time, troklah editor..they're human too and human errs..  So try to review d error, analyze'em so that in future U won't repeat the same kebendulan.  jadi lebih pandai.. Kalau bley tandakan merah so that u can skim thru  them adios again - kte jumpa lg[kalau nk jumpa!] we'll discuss 'bout plotting plakk..Not interested..? x per..I'll still do it!

Today 9 April..feel like continuing.  Who knows, kot ad yg mampu menyerap psiko I.
so..heres some basic pattern yg common for novel writing.  Pd I pattern tu sinonim plot jugalaa. Hope my doctrine is correct. ha ha
Let's forget the complicated pattern n centralize on chronological one.  After all, whole idea is meant for wannabes.
Arrange citer you in proper order so that you'll give the reader the exact sequence. Hubungkait step by step by providing  logical  connection within plot.  For intance, when discussing about certain bahan, lagi efektif if you and ur reader sama2 trace from the beginning contoh punca terjadi, then  sepanjang the occurrence or the kejadian then, aftermath., implication and consequences.Giving  the accounts of the whole  events from d start,  the developement and finally the consequences of the incident.  The emphasis tentu lbey byk on d  cerita development kerana itu  yg nk dinovelkan.  Kerana skrg penerbit hanya sanggup menerima minimum pages 500 m/surat, better if you don't elongate too much on the cause that generates the event.  That'd limit the space for intipati cerita.  Melengahkan klimaks dan membosankan pembaca yg memang nak tau cerita dgn cepat. Tol tak?  Then the aftermath..make it firm but don't prolong, buat secara yg sungguh mengesankan..Well cubalah! 
Maybe lain penulis lain this is Haiza's trend..Kalau I buat citer sdey..I review dan bygkn I org lain, kalau susah nk kuar air mata, mmg sah tu citer batu[no sentiment], delete jerr or reedit and reedit.   Klu U berhasil menumpahkan air  mata sendiri, that's it - U daa berjaya.  Tp tak taulah klu memang jenis cembeng  sokmo then of course this methode scarcely could b applied.  Hmm... Adios again..

JOM SAMBUNG....!!!!    24th April 2010
Before submitting ur work to any publisher, might it b in hard copy or just thru emailing, I'd advice you again to b cautious of dis complicated task for any editor. Grammatical mistakes amat membosankan editor because this 'shouldn't b happening matter' would only prolong the editing process when there're a lot of other things that must b prioritized, this school job's task is very tiring. Ask any editor. So dun take thing for granted! Kejam tu..

So sift thru you work several times, take any amount of time you need , nobody is forcing you a dateline if you commence on d project b4 schedule.

There's a method here if you are keen on following, psychoanalyze what type of errors you alwez trapped urself into, next time you'll b alerted not to repeat them. Alah bisa tegal biasa. Cayeelaa

Macam I sendiri, I selalu trtulis sayang sbgi sayagn, yang sbg yagn dan diplomatik I tertulis dogmatik - so mula2 I cr benda2 ney dulu dan repair. Then br yg lain pulakk. Tu maknanya mengenalpasti kelemahan lazim kita..Got that..? Sbnarnya byk tp 'you fikirlah sendiri'

I bg contoh sedikit and the do it. So do the sifting a number of time before turrning over ur master piece..

I wanna discuss about plotting some more since they're more important to some novelist rather than d storyline itself but I've to go see U next time klu berminat..

Oops.. lupa plakk.. nahu ney sgt penting dlm tiap conversation in any novel.

I pernah terbaca..kritikan K.Wynn di mana seorg novelis created a chapter di mana seorg profesional sedang berbual dgn respondennya by employing kata-kata yg langsung tak sesuai dgn kriteria si pewatak yg diuarkan sebagai seorang profesional.

So plez take note of this simple mistake..