Over a year in dilemma and conflict with myself. With uncertainty of what to become of me. Every now n then, any physical contact with the keyboard, wud conjure up dis mental confusion and perplexity. The bitchy attitude n feeling of indolence. Few might guess that dis may result fr. feeling complacent after having ten books. Nay..of course that was scarcely the reason. Just look at Anis Ayuni, Aisya Sofea. Aleyya, Ram or Damya, never give up in writing n writing, one karya after another. Masses of'em. They're the genuine writers I reckon. Me? Fuuh..never mind, sekarang aku nk menulis blek slpas staon jd msia x brguna di novelist arena. Dan kucuba meraikan kegemilangan perubahan attitude trsebut. Siap dgn notebook, tp sepatah haram pown tak tlis. Mkn pown seciput. xrse hepi pown. Aargh..br tlis title 'Miraj di hatiku' K'dian back to FB ha ha ha. [2morrow, another crusade, fighting the inner me]