Thursday, August 16, 2012

Salam Lebaran [iNI PORTAL UTAMA SAYA-facebook disebelah hanya sekadar mempamer sebhg karya2 saya]

Happy Hari Raya to all Muslim and Muslimah. I love you all especially you,  my readers.

As you know, HARI RAYA signifies the end of Islamic month of Ramadhan, the holy fasting month. To locals, it's both Hari Raya and Aidil Fitri. Hari Lebaran too, of course! Hari Raya starts by the sighting of anak bulan Syawal [the beginning phase of  new moon]
Ermm.. still remember what we just went through?  ha ha  Whole month of fasting is not easy to some!  The entire day of no eating, no drinking, no ciggy [for smoker  laarr] and no sex for married couples.  Must be hell of a torture, ain't that so...?   Well... at least that's the perception of a few who is yet to revert to Islam and guess, that's  what some of the Non- Muslim believe too. 
Of course they are not even half true. Those are  only assumptions and, it's contrary to the truth. No doubt to those with determination and 'iman', it's totally jihad and they love doing it. Trust me, it's done on own accord even to the little children, they always seem to  enjoy performing the 'rukun iman' . Apart from that, the sick or demented, are excused from such obligation for as we know,   Allah is Forever Most Kind and Most Merciful.
Believe it or not   there is flexibility in our Islamic law.
Now to me, Ramadan has it's own signification . I always love staying  awake the whole night during this part  of Ramadan .  For what else if it's  none other than 'the 9 nights preceding Aidil Fitri' .One of the night is claimed to be the night of the Lailatul Qadar where all the angels  will come down to earth and give their blessing to those who stay awake to do their prayers, give  themselves totally to Allah by immersing the whole  body and soul,    in self-mortification. The angels will fly back to the seventh sky at the first ray of dawn till the afternoon on the same day. There are millions of'em!  When that happens, you could hardly see  any rays coming  from the sun for the whole day, veiled, blocked  and covered  by millions and millions wing of the  angels. Sky looks bit foggy and milk like. 
AND NOW.. it's the celebration day! The most awaited event will be the performing of  the Raya prayers. Then come the saddest part; visiting the graves of the departed.  Aduyaii.. I missed my late hubby so much, those bygone days and now he's been gone for 7 years already. Hari Raya is never the same again after he demised sob sob. Nak nanges daa neyh..Jomlaa makan ketupat! nanti nak salam-salam huhu

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

MOTIVASI CEMERLANG [terima kasih utk penulisnya] IKUTI BENAR-BENAR MOTIVASI ini, anda mungkin akan menjadi sangat CEMERLANG - Yg Penting percaya ANDA BOLEH! 1. Orang yang paling berkuasa adalah orang yang dapat menguasai dirinya sendiri. 2. Kita selalu lupa atau jarang ingat apa yang kita miliki, tetapi kita sering kali ingat apa yang orang lain ada. 3. Kegagalan ialah satu-satunya yang dapat diraih tanpa pengerahan tenaga sedikit pun. 4. Jika a...nda takut pada sesuatu, lihatlah & hadapilah. 5. Jika anda hilang segala-galanya, jangan lupa, kerana anda masih mempunyai masa depan. 6. Sesiapa yang tidak pernah merasai kepahitan tidak akan mengenal kemanisan. 7. Tidak pernah wujud orang malas. Orang yang dianggap malas ialah orang yang tidak dapat mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan minatnya. 8. Tidak penting sama ada berapa lama kita hidup. Yang penting bagaimana keadaan kita semasa hidup. 9. Tanpa permulaan, anda tidak akan sampai ke mana-mana. 10. Orang yang bijak mempelajari banyak perkara daripada musuhnya sendiri. 11. Semangat yang kuat mampu mengatasi apa sahaja cabaran yang datang. 12. Selagi kita mencuba dan berusaha, selagi itulah kita akan beroleh apa yang kita hajati. 13. Anda tidak akan berasa penat sekiranya melakukan perkara yang anda suka. 14. Lombong emas dalam diri kamu adalah fikiran kamu. Kamu dapat menggalinya sedalam-dalamnya dan sepuas-puas yang kamu inginkan 15. Ketabahan memerlukan keyakinan. Keyakinan pula menentukan kejayaan. Kejayaan pula akan menentukan kebahagiaan. 16. Seseorang menganggap ujian sebagai batu penghalang, sedangkan orang lain menganggapnya sebagai batu lonjatan. 17. Kekuatan tidak datang dari kemampuan fizikal, tetapi ianya datang dari semangat yang tidak pernah mengalah. 18. Mengetahui perkara yang betul tidak memadai dan bermakna jika tidak melakukan perkara yang betul. 19. Gagal selepas usaha adalah hikmah, anda akan mendapat sesuatu yang lebih besar daripada apa yang anda sangkakan - dengan Bismillah

Friday, April 20, 2012

Commencing from May 28th to 6th May is The Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair[KLIBF] which will be held at the Putra World Trade Centre [PWTC] and I will be there on the 5th May, from 1.30pm - 6pm at the Tun Dr Ismail's hall in which Karangkraf booth is located. Please visit us because there are numerous activities and prizes await you. And this, will be the great opportunities whereby you will bump into many novelists from various publications, publishers, including the Alaf 21, Prima Books and Karya Bestari, as you know, Karangkraf now is the leading brand of the millennium ....Say again? IT'S KARANGKRAF uu..LETS move it ..move it..! [photo: courtesy from Legenda Novel]